Vertrauen. Zuverlässigkeit. Leidenschaft.

einzigartige individuell gefertigte Messestände

Ihre Messebauprofis national und international

Full Service - Alles aus einer Hand

Vertrauen. Zuverlässigkeit. Leidenschaft.

einzigartige individuell gefertigte Messestände

Ihre Messebauprofis national und international

Full Service - Alles aus einer Hand

Vertrauen. Zuverlässigkeit. Leidenschaft.

einzigartige individuell gefertigte Messestände


Welcome to mikado messedesign international GmbH

For over 35 years mikado messedesign international GmbH has been presenting
itself a professional national and international event service provider.
We support you proficiently and competently from mutual concept development
to ready for use delivery of the stand for your perfect performance.

Trust. Reliability. Passion.

The realization of our philosophy of providing extraordinarily good services is
primarily up to our skilled mikado-team. Because it is them who incarnate our
outstanding quality with enthusiasm, kindness and passion to our clients.


Challenge us! … messedesign made by mikado